Monday, September 28, 2009

Camping video-finally

I figured out the video, yea!

Season Starts With A Snap Of A Camera

We are all so excited for season to start, and this is the first glimpse into what this team will become. After all of us had put our jerseys on, there was conversations going on about this feeling like a game day and jitters were running through us all.

Even as we were heading to the back of Main Hall, where this picture was taken, there were smiles from each individual. Feeling this excited is what makes being a college athlete worth it. Being able to share memories and jokes with friends that you know will always be there for you.

We are a team now, but more importantly we are a family. Here's to our season this year, may it bring great rewards for all of us.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Colorful Colorado

Our camping trip to the mountains was a huge success! The campground was great. Tryouts for QB took place early in the afternoon...We have a game of touch football at the end of conditioning season. Salina will be on my team as a receiver!

We had delicious chile and roasted brats on the fire. Smores and games around the campfire that eve. The girls bunked in the camper cabins. Kara does not believe sleeping in cabins with heat is really camping but they were all greatful when it started raining.

The rain/sleet forced us back to town a bit early. Chelsea and Meagan volunteered their condo for lunch and watching football.
It was a great start to a great year!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Our team is off to Golden Gate State Park today for a weekend of camping. It promises to be a fun time of food, games and dancing...
I will post next week with a report and pictures.