During my experience with Regis Womens bball, I learned a lot of life lessons that I will be able to take with me. I learned about work ethic through the hundreds of practices, I learned about teamwork as well as leadership as we grew together as a team, and also about determination and perserverance as I battled through injury. I loved being a part of the team. There is something about being with your teammates everyday as you endure hardship, success, conditioning, and and simply practice. This type of realtionship is like no other, and while you may not always be the best of friends with every person on your team, you have an inexplainable bond with them for life.
Through each year I became a different part of the team, and I grew with each new role that was put before me. My college bball experince as a Ranger shaped me into the person I am and the values I keep. For me, the past 4 years have been filled with laughter and tears, frustrations and success, and most of all growth. My coaches and teammates have helped me become the person I am and I cannot thank them enough for that. I can't say I loved every second, for instance the early morning preseason conditioning was not a highlight, however overall I wouldn't change the experience for anything. :)
Ashley Pope