Friday, September 30, 2011


What an amazing fall we have are having! It's been great to be able to do some of our running outside in this beautiful weather.

The coaches are pleased with the effort and attitude our team is putting in during weight and conditioning workouts.

This is the time of year that leaders really step forward and start guiding us. The will and drive of the team is every bit as important as the talent and it takes determined leaders to show the way.

There is no glamour this time of year, but there is no glory without the pain, sweat and tears that are put in in the fall. Not to say we don't know how to have fun and support our fellow athletes!

80's Night at the volleyball game!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rangers at the Park

Our team embarked on its first adventure last weekend. Camping at Golden Gate State Park! We had a great time and the weather was awesome. You can't beat living in Colorado.

Shout out to the food and activities commitees, we pretty much ate and played games the entire time. Pictured are 2 of our award winners, Nicole for being the "keeper of the flame" and Miranda for pretty much beating everyone at everything.

Most importantly, everyone had a chance to get to know each other a little bit better. We have an amazing group of women who have so much to give. I am very much looking forward to the journey we have started together.

Ranger Bain

Thursday, September 1, 2011


We're talking about practice! A new rule has allowed us to start practicing with our whole team this fall. It was great! We were able to put in a lot of new things and had a lot of fun.

Our team is very athletic and skilled which has all of us very excited. Our goal is to get 1% better everyday and we definitely got there today. We plan on making the most of this new opportunity and will be back for round two next week!