We enter the last third of our season this week. These weeks are critical as more than half the teams in our league are tied or within 1 game of each other. There is a 5 way tie for the final 2 playoff spots.
This time of year, our season is a real physical and mental grind. The teams with toughness and leadership start to rise to the top.
We have to dig really deep to find that extra spark that can get buried by the aches and pains, long bus rides and late nights in the gym. The beauty of being on a true team is the support given by the members to each other. It's the relationships and the trust, the shoulders to lean on and the occassional kick in the pants that makes the journey the trip of a lifetime.
Literally before my eyes I've seen the players on our team become better people. Better teammates and leaders, better friends and better students. More humble and more confident and overcome unspeakable adversity.
I love the people on this team and I spend everyday doing my part to push them to become more than they dreamed possible. We will do everything we can to finish our season as strong as we can, leaving our basketball hearts and souls on the court. Walking away on the last day proud and confident that we gave our best.