What do you like most about college basketball?
The variety/strategy and the fast pace of the game.
What is your favorite memory so far this year?
Me, Kaitie, Kellie, and Jax were headed back to the dorms and Kaitie had to pee really, really bad. Instead of just parking, we decided to drive around Regis campus and not let Kaitie out. At one point Kaitie had dropped Kellie’s purse out of the car and Jax had to pick it up while the car was moving. We were all laughing so hard.
What other hobbies do you enjoy?
I enjoy volleyball, track, rodeo, and shopping!
Colt McCoy or Tim Tebow? Why?
Tim Tebow all the way! He is very, very attractive. Has big muscles and is smart!
Favorite pro team?
Dallas Cowboys
What do you want to do after college?
I want to either be a doctor or do something in sports medicine.
What do your siblings think about you playing college basketball?
Bay’lee thinks it is “super cool and awesome” to have a sister playing ball in college.
How do you like living on your own? With Erin O’Toole?
It’s nice being on my own, except for I don’t get my own bathroom. I do miss home a lot. Living with Erin is fun and I am always entertained.
What was your favorite toy when you were younger?
A fold and jam basketball arcade game.
Carrie Underwood or Taylor Swift?
Taylor Swift
How much do you love Meagan Nickell?
Depends on the day! ;)
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